Leaders in workplace gender equality Teachers Mutual Bank has been awarded a Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation for 2015. Join us Join us Phone us Email us Breadcrumbs Teachers Mutual Bank Community 2016 Leaders in workplace gender equality 5 January 2015 5 January 2015 Leaders in workplace gender equality Teachers Mutual Bank has been awarded a Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality (EOCGE) citation for 2015. The EOCGE 2015 citation is designed to encourage, recognise and promote active commitment to achieving gender equality in Australian workplaces. Criteria for the citation covers leadership, learning and development, gender remuneration gaps, flexible working and initiatives to support family responsibilities, employee consultation, preventing sex-based harassment and discrimination and targets for improving gender equality outcomes. The criteria are strengthened each year to reflect best practice. Additions for 2015 include: a formal strategy or strategies to support gender equality overall (that covers recruitment, retention, performance management, promotions, succession planning, training and resignations) evaluating progress against the gender equality strategy remuneration gap analysis including base salary by gender and total remuneration, with actions taken tracking the number of women and men returning from parental leave tracking progress towards achieving targets to improve the representation of women gender representation targets for internal and external recruitment shortlists consultation with employees to capture their views about gender equality in the workplace. The WGEA announced the list of Australian companies who received EOCGE citations on November 5, 2015. Teachers Mutual Bank is one of 90 organisations named. The EOCGE citation commenced in 2014, replacing the predecessor citation, the EOWA Employer of Choice for Women. The citation is strategically aligned with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act), reflecting the change in focus of the legislation to promote and improve gender equality for both women and men, while recognising the historically disadvantaged position of women in the workplace. The EOCGE citation is a voluntary leading practice recognition program that is separate to compliance with the Act.