I am unable to log in to the app

I am unable to log in to the app

These tips should help you if you are having difficulty logging in to the app.

Step 1: Check your connectivity

Need detailed information on checking the connectivity and status of your device?

I have an iPhone or iPad

Check you are connected to wifi

Check you are not in Airplane Mode

I have an Android device

Check you are connected to wifi

Check you are not in Airplane Mode

Step 2: Is your browser and operating system supported?

We support a range of devices, operating systems and browsers. 

Check your browser and operating system

Step 3: Turn device off and back on.


Step 4: Delete and reinstall the app 

This is a simple process to get you up and running again on the app.

I have an Apple device

First, delete the app. Here is an article on how to delete an app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Then go to the store and download the app.

Download on App store

I have an Android device

First, delete the app. Here is an article on how to delete or disable apps on Android

Then go to the store and download the app.

Download on Google play